Nature School Play Space Features


Nestled at 3827 Charlton Drive, our Fern Flower - Nature School provides a sanctuary from extreme weather within its spacious indoor area, covering over 80 square meters. This designated space serves multiple purposes, offering shelter during inclement weather and functioning as a hub for various activities. Notably, our cubby area is conveniently located here, providing a designated spot for storing spare clothing. As we embrace the richness of learning both indoors and outdoors, the inside space becomes a place for exploration in cooking activities, engaging learning centers, and imaginative dramatic play. Additionally, the indoor area houses a documentation display showcasing the highlights of our learning journey. We invite caregivers to immerse themselves in this visual narrative, fostering a deeper understanding of the educational experiences their children are engaged in. Feel free to utilize this welcoming space as a core for both respite and shared learning adventures.

Yard at the Facility
Yard at the Nature School Facility is a vibrant and dynamic outdoor space designed to inspire curiosity, exploration, and hands-on learning. This expansive area is thoughtfully organized into various centers, each offering unique opportunities for students to engage with nature.

One prominent feature is the garden, a living classroom where students can observe plant life cycles, learn about sustainable gardening practices, and cultivate a connection with the earth. The garden provides a hands-on experience for nature-based lessons, fostering an appreciation for the environment.

Also, the yard located in close proximity to fire circle — a focal point for circle time gatherings. This cozy and communal area serves as a space for storytelling, discussions, and group activities, creating a sense of community and connection among students.

Rose Park

Located conveniently next door to our FFNS facility, Rose Park is set to become our "Home Base" for the exciting adventures ahead. This charming and inviting park exudes a warm and cozy atmosphere, providing the perfect backdrop for our Nature School endeavors. Situated amidst nature's bounty, Rose Park boasts both a lush forested area and a gentle creek, creating an ideal environment for young minds to explore the wonders of the outdoors. This enchanting location will serve as the starting point for our nature school journey, where children will embark on the foundational steps of the forest and nature school approach. With the soothing sounds of the creek and the rustling leaves of the forest, Rose Park offers a serene and inspiring setting for children to learn and grow, fostering a love for nature that will accompany them throughout their educational journey.


The location for the Fern Flower - Nature School is nestled within the enchanting surroundings of the Nile Creek Forest, a pristine and expansive natural haven located a mere 5 minutes from the facility. Stretching over 1,000 acres of crown land, this idyllic forest offers a captivating setting for the nature school's activities and exploration.

As you venture into the heart of the Nile Creek Forest, you'll discover a myriad of winding trails that meander through the lush, green landscape. Towering trees provide a natural canopy, filtering dappled sunlight onto the forest floor, creating a serene and magical atmosphere. The air is filled with the soothing sounds of rustling leaves, birdsong, and the gentle babbling of nearby creeks.


Placed just a convenient 5 minutes away from our facility, the beach becomes an enchanting extension of our nature school experience. A picturesque rocky beach awaits, providing an extraordinary backdrop for children to delve into the wonders of the coastal environment. Here, under the open sky, we can kindle the spirit of adventure with beachside activities, including building shelters from driftwood and gathering around a campfire for shared stories and experiences. The beauty of our rocky beach lies not only in its rugged charm but also in the opportunities it offers for hands-on learning and imaginative play.

Moreover, if the whims of nature allow, we may embark on a journey across the gentle stream, discovering Sunny Side Beach on the other side. This sandy haven extends even more possibilities for exploration, fostering a holistic appreciation for the diverse coastal ecosystem. From the rocky terrain to the sandy shores, our beach excursions aim to instill a deep connection with the natural world, encouraging curiosity and a sense of wonder among the children. This coastal haven is not just a location but a dynamic classroom where the ebb and flow of the tides mirror the rhythm of our nature-based education, creating lasting memories and a profound appreciation for the beauty that lies at the intersection of land and sea.

Fish Hatchery
Merely 10 minutes away from our facility lies the Nile Creek Fish Hatchery, a captivating locale that unveils the remarkable journey of salmon hatching. This small yet bustling hatchery serves as a living laboratory for our Nature School, allowing children to witness the awe-inspiring miracle of life. The dedicated volunteers at the hatchery eagerly welcome visitors, their enthusiasm matching the excitement of the children who come to observe.
Million Dollar Trail

The Million Dollar Trail or Lighthouse Community Trail, located just 10 minutes away from our facility, is a true gem nestled within the picturesque landscape of the Lighthouse community. Aptly named, this trail promises a million-dollar experience for nature enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers alike.

For more information please check our Parent Handbook attached below