Welcome to

Fern Flower - Nature School

A place rich in dialogue, collaboration, discussion, pedagogical excellence, and of course Nature

Explore, Discover, and Grow

At Nature School, we believe in the power of nature to inspire curiosity, foster creativity, and ignite a love for learning. Our unique approach to education combines academic excellence with the wonders of the natural world.

Fun Facts

Fern Flower - Nature School stands out as one of the few licensed Forest Schools in Canada, with our staff trained in both Forest School methodology and Early Childhood Education (ECE).

What happens during Nature School Day?

Fern Flower - Nature School uses natural resources to stimulate imagination, creativity, and investigation.

Activities are linked to the topic that the children are covering that term. Typically, these may include:

Design Technology and Science

Building dens and bridges that are suitable for them to sit in and walk on, whittling wood, making wooden disks

Music and Movement

Keeping a pulse or copying a rhythm pattern by beating sticks together, learning songs, and singing and dancing as a group

Language and Literacy

Storytelling around the fire, Writing, following instructions, and creating story maps with natural objects.


Data handling, Measuring, Shapes, and Problem-Solving


Creating 3D pictures or sculptures out of clay or mud, colour matching, and making our own charcoal to draw with!

Fine Motor

Involves the use of the small muscles that control the hand, fingers, and thumb; also, promotes eye-hand coordination.

Gross Motor

It involves the coordination of the arms, legs, and other large body parts and movements, nevertheless, movements such as running, crawling, swimming, or hopping.

Community Building

Participating in a community bonded by attitudes, values, and goals is an essential ingredient to enjoying a fulfilling life.


Sensory play is an important part of childhood and, within reason, there are really no limits to what you can use in sensory activities. Nature can often be your best friend when it comes to sensory play!


Cooking not only builds confidence and prepares a kid for difficult life situations, but it also teaches them to think on their feet. It also develops the same type of discipline as any form of sports or martial arts.

Discovering Legacies

Through exploration of famous figures and artistic expressions, students gain insights into diverse lives and cultures, fostering a deeper appreciation for history, creativity, and the interconnectedness of humanity.

Ecological Study

Ecological Studies delve into the intricate tapestry of the natural world, fostering a deep understanding and appreciation for ecosystems, biodiversity, and the delicate balance of our environment.


Ages 2.5 to 5 years

From 8:00 am to 12:15 pm

Monday to Friday

(5 days a week)

Morning Sessions

Ages 2.5 to 5 years

From 12:45 pm to 5:00 pm

Tuesday to Thursday

(3 days a week)

Afternoon Sessions
selective focus of green gras
selective focus of green gras
silhouette of wheat during sunset
silhouette of wheat during sunset


At Nature School We...